Sample Cans

w/o date.

Containers to store samples of 300g of a certain coffee batch. The cans were taken to the exporting companies by the coffee dealers for classification and for purchase offers. They could have a lettering or printing on their covers with the name of the owner company and a side label containing information about the batch, such as the quantity of bags.
This object was owned by Companhia Comercio & Industria de Armazéns Gerais, operating on Santos and Paranaguá. Aside from storing the producers’ coffee, Armazéns Gerais also offered the reprocessing and bounding formation services with different types of coffee. They were also responsible for the emission of the warranty, a document ascertaining the coffee beans storage on the warehouse that was used by the clients seeking bank financing.
The equipment was donated by Associação Comercial de Santos to Museu do Café on 2003