Uma Xícara de saber

What is the program?

Include courses and workshops for education and capacitation of several publics. They are activities which introduce and reinforce patrimonial education and importance of coffee history to Sao Paulo State and for Brazil.

How does it work?

Courses for target public are offered (culture agents, teachers, tour guides), in order to present culture patrimony concept and promote information disseminators partner network.

How are the activities?

During program, several formation activities are developed, with following highlights:

Oficina para professores:

Toward to teachers from public and private schools, with purpose of presenting non-formal education as complement resource in formal education.

Guia amigo do café:

Toward to tour guide who works in market and tourism students. Cultural patrimony concept, its importance, preservation needs and learning how to deal with tourism to preservation are introduced.

Curso para educadores de museus e instituições culturais [Course for museum educator and culture institutions]: Toward to people which work or intend to work in educational sectors of cultural institutions.

What do we want?

Educate qualified professionals to work in culture institutions, strengthening sector.